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Team Methods

To conduct a paranormal investigation, we follow a step by step process. We adhere to this not only because it generally allows us to maximize our information and results, but also ensures our safety.


1. Location Review

In this first step, we essentially have just learned of a prospective investigation site. We review the basic information available such as location and rumors (the haunted stories behind it). If it sounds "safe" and spikes an interest within the team, we dig for more information.


2. Historical Research

After selecting the location to be investigated, we then turn to the historical fact collecting on everything we can about the location. The basic questions we answer are "Did anyone die here, if so, why and how many?", "When was this location first used?" We research information referring to the events and timeline of the location and potentially rule out or lay out claim that rumors may or may not be true based on the facts.


3. Interviews (if possible)

If we have any questions about the history or possible events occurring at the location we will interview anyone with knowledge on the topic if at all possible. In a private home investigation setting, this is actually the first step we use to gain knowledge on the potentially haunted location.


4. Walk-Thru

This is the most important part of the investigation process because it is the step we use to deem the location officially safe to enter. Sometimes set a few days or hours before the investigation is scheduled to begin, this allows us to be on location and look for risks that'll potentially be life threatening. We use this time to judge the safety quality of the location. If it passes "inspection", it's a green light for investigation.


5. Investigation

During the course of an investigation, we utilize all of our equipment and measure EMF, RF and thermo changes. Everything we record gets documented and reviewed for potential patterns. Investigations can last several hours and may require more investigations in order to correctly and accurately determine if the location is haunted and by what. If we ever deem a location officially haunted, we will always have supporting evidence to justify our decision(s).


6. Evidence Review

After the investigation we analyze all of our documented evidence. We spend hours sorting through photos, video and audio clips as well as looking at our measured EMF, RF, and thermo changes. Only those that cannot be explained are kept for further analysis. The evidence kept after this phase is then studied in detail and looked over for possible explanations. If the evidence is still unexplained it then goes to archive.


7. Evidence Reveal

When required, especially for private investigations, we will meet the owner of the property and reveal our investigative findings.




If you are interested in having us investigate your home or business, you can contact us or you can download our required forms, fill them out and mail them to us.


Download the Required forms:

Access Permission Form - allows us permission to enter private property at specific times to conduct our investigation. It also releases the property owner of liability. We do everything at our own risk.


Media Consent - this allows us to release information about the investigation to the public. We will never release private information such as addresses, names, and contact information. We sometimes use the evidence we gather in our presentations and media interviews.

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