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The Jersey Devil

The Start of a Legend


The exact year to the start of the legend is somewhat of a mystery. Dates have suggested that is started sometime between 1730-1760.


Mother Leeds, a mother of 12 was about to give birth to yet another child somewhere near Leeds Point, NJ. The child was to be unlucky number 13. Mother Leeds did not want the child and cursed the child to the devil. Shortly after birth, it is said, the child began to take on a sinner appearance. The child grew hooves and bat-like wings. His body transformed into that like horse and developed a long narrow tail. When the transformation was complete, it is said the creature looked back for a moment before letting out a blood curdling scream and flying away.


"Mother" Leeds has been identified by some as Deborah Leeds. Historical evidence documents that she and her husband did in fact have 12 kids and lived in the Leeds Point area, giving some credit to the origin of the legend.



Encountering the Devil

Stephen DeCatur, a commodore in the US Navy had reportedly seen the creature near the Hanover Mill Works. Joseph Bonaparte also claimed witnessing the creature near his Borden Town estate while hunting in 1820. Throughout much of 1840 and 41, it was blamed for numerous livestock killings that were accompanied by unidentified tracks and screams.

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